We had a beautiful Parade of Lights around the Courthouse Square this year! Thank you to all the fantastic businesses/groups that participated!
Big Bend Snow Riders, Cottonwood Veterinary Clinic, Ford & Lustfield Law Office, McDonald's of Windom, Mimi & Papa's, Windom Fire Department, and Windom Liquidation.
LIGHT UP 56101
We had a beautiful and successful holiday light decorating contest this year thanks to all the fantastic residents and business owners around Windom! Thank you to everyone that participated in decorating and voting for their favorite holiday lights!
Congratulations to our Business Winners!
1st Place: Sanow State Farm
2nd Place: Windom Liquidation
3rd Place: Schwalbach Ace Hardware
Congratulations to our Residential Winners!
1st Place: Elness Family
2nd Place: Hodgins Family
3rd Place: Musegades Family